Acne calcified scars: Case report

Introduction: The involvement of calcium regulatory factors in the epithelial tissue can result in calcification or cutaneous ossification. The secondary osteomas, wherein the calcification develops in a preexisting skin lesions such as acne, for example, are the most common.

Objective: To report a case of calcification/ossification of soft tissues compat- ible with acne scarring.

Case report: Panoramic panoramic radiographic examination revealed radiopaque, circular image in the alveolar ridge region in the air corresponding to tooth 36, with residual root characteristics . The alteration in the diagnostic hypothesis occurred after periapical radiography, which revealed a displacement of the radiopaque image to the upper region of the border, confirmed by another radiograph with a film placed in the position between the vestibular face of the alveolar border and the mucosa of the cheek.

Conclusion: The radiographic findings associated with anamnesis and clini- cal examination suggested a diagnosis ofcalcification/ossification in soft tissue compatible with the healing of acne.


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